FrontPage Extensions in Shared Hosting
While many website hosting suppliers nowadays stop their support for FrontPage Extensions, we don't have such plans. We believe that you should not be restricted with regard to the software programs that you'll be able to employ in order to create your site and you should have a choice if you will employ FrontPage or some other application. If you already have a site, you can easily move it over and prevent losing many years of work since FrontPage Extensions are supported with all of our shared hosting plans with no exception. You can activate them for each domain or subdomain within your account by clicking on the Edit button for it in the Hosted Domains section of your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. Enabling the option takes only a few clicks and then our system will add all the required FrontPage system files inside the domain/subdomain folder, which means that all that you'll need to do after that will be to upload your site files.
FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our Linux semi-dedicated services support FrontPage extensions, so if you would like to use a site made with this app, you won't have any kind of troubles to host it on our innovative cloud hosting platform. Unlike numerous hosting providers out there, we will not cease the support for this feature and we will not make you switch the website design application which you use because we believe this is none of our business. All you have to do to activate FrontPage Extensions is click on a button in the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, and considering the fact that you can do this per domain/subdomain, you can still employ script-driven applications for other websites without interference. To give an example, the main site can be created with FrontPage, whereas a forum script can be installed in a subdomain as an add-on to the main site. With our services, you can pick how you'll build your web presence and we'll never limit you in this regard.