If you have an HTML site, it probably uses a small amount of system resources because it's static, but this is not the situation with dynamic database-driven Internet sites that use PHP scripts and offer you a lot more functions. This sort of websites create load on the hosting server anytime somebody browses them, because the hosting server needs time to execute the script, to access the database and then to provide the info requested by the visitor's web browser. A well known discussion board, as an illustration, stores all usernames and posts inside a database, so some load is generated any time a thread is opened or an end user looks for a given phrase. If many people connect to the forum concurrently, or if every search involves checking thousands of database entries, this could produce high load and affect the functionality of the site. In this regard, CPU and MySQL load statistics can provide you with information about the site’s overall performance, as you can compare the numbers with your traffic data to decide if the website should be optimized or migrated to a different kind of website hosting platform that will be able to bear the high system load in the event that the site is extremely popular.

MySQL & Load Stats in Shared Hosting

Our system keeps detailed info about the system resource usage of every shared hosting account which is created on our top-notch cloud platform, so given that you opt to host your Internet sites with our company, you will have full access to this data from the Hepsia Control Panel, which you will get with the account. The CPU load statistics feature the CPU time and the actual execution time of your scripts, as well as how much system memory they used. You could also see what processes produced the load - PHP or Perl scripts, cron jobs, etc. The MySQL load statistics section will show you the amount of queries to each specific database you have created in your shared hosting account, the total queries for the account in general and the standard hourly rate. Comparing these figures to the visitor stats shall tell you if your sites perform the way they ought to or if they require some optimization, which will improve their functionality and the overall site visitor experience.

MySQL & Load Stats in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our system produces thorough stats about the two kinds of load, so if you purchase a semi-dedicated server for your Internet sites, you can access the data with a few clicks inside your Hepsia hosting CP. Every type of information is listed in its own section. The CPU Load section will show you which processes produced the load and how much time it took for the server to execute all of the requests. Though stats are created every six hours, you can see day-to-day and month-to-month statistics as well. In the MySQL Load section you shall find a list of all the databases produced within your semi-dedicated account manually and automatically, what amount of queries were sent to every one of them, the total everyday queries for the account as a whole, as well as the average per hour rate. This information shall help you figure out how well your websites perform and if any one of them requires optimization of some type.